Cristian Cardenas

Cristian previously worked as Fight Choreographer in Shakespeare’s Globe’s 2016 production of Thomas Tallis.
He trained as an actor at The Bridge Theatre Training Company. Alongside his acting career he teaches stage combat for stage and film on behalf of The Academy of Performance Combat. He has subsequently been choreographing/stunt co-ordinating and performing for numerous tv shows and companies including: Hinterland Series 2, 24: Live Another Day, Alys, Gwaith/Cartref 5 & 8, and Ultimate Force.
Other recent choreography/movement work includes: The Faction’s Vassa Zheleznova (Southwark Playhouse) Connections (National Theatre); Princess Mononoke (Whole Hog Theatre); The Drowned Man: A Hollywood Fable (Punchdrunk); Broken Glass (Vaudeville Theatre); Romeo and Juliet and Macbeth (The Faction/The New Diorama).
Future projects: The Force Generation’s Sabre Academy
- 2016, Stage, Fight Choreographer, Vassa Zheleznova, The Faction, Rachel Valentine Smith
- 2015, Stage, Fight Choreographer, Thomas Tallis, Shakespear's Globe, Adele Thomas
- 2013, Stage, assistant Fight Choreographer, Macbeth, The Globe Theatre, Eve Best
- 2013, Stage, Fight Choreographer / Co-ordinator, Princess Mononoke, Whole Hog THeatre, Alexandra Rutter
- 2013, Stage, Assistant Fight Choreographer, The Drowned Man: A Hollywood Fable, PunchDrunk, Felix Barret / Maxine Doyle
- 2008, Stage, Orestes, Euripides ELECTRA, Lazarus Theatre Company, Ricky Dukes
- 2008, Stage, Jedi Master CADEINASS, STAR WARS 30th ANNIVERSARY, Lucas Film / Weird and Wonderful Group, Jonathan J Sands
- 2007, Stage, Daniel Mc'Cumber / Barney Hainsfeather, Spoon River Anthology, Solas Theatre Company, Helena Browne
- 2006, Stage, Krisna, Tales from Mumbai, Blue Elephant, Serena b. Robins
- 2005, Stage, Theseus, A Midsummer Nights Dream, The Bridge, Mark Akrill
- 2005, Stage, Elliot, Private lives, The Bridge, Judith Pollard
- 2005, Stage, Jesus, The Mystery Plays, The Bridge, Mark Bowden
- 2005, Stage, Corvino, Volpone, Teatro-Saurus, William Tombs & Rose Warman
- 2003, Stage, Orsino, Twelfth Night, Cockpit Theatre, Diane Barley
- 2012, Film, Extranjero, Extranjero, The Queen Dan Lumb / Crinan Cambell
- 2012, Film, Gymnast, Who is Commuity, Art On The Underground (Olympics 2012), Tim Newton
- 2005, Film, Rafa, Juva Y washina, Changoman Productions, Sofia Vaccaro / Teilo Vellacott
- 2016, Television, Fight Coordinator, Gwaith Cartref 8, Fiction Factory Films Ltd, Rhys Carter
- 2015, Television, Fight Coordinator, Hinterland Series 2, Hinterland Films 2 ltd, Gareth Bryn
- 2014, Television, Stunt Performer, 24 Live Another Day, Fox, Jon Cassar
- 2014, Television, Fight Choreographer, Alys, s4c, Rhys Powys
- 2014, Television, Fight Coordinator, GWAITH / CARTREF 5, s4c, Rhys Powys
- 2005, Television, Emilio, Ultimate Force, Bentley Productions, Richard Holthouse
- 2010, Commercial, Mexican Fan, ITV World Cup Launch & Multi Platforms Promo, ITV
- 2010, Commercial, Wifi Type, World Cup Favourites, McDonald's, Neil Gorringe
- 2009, Commercial, Nicorrete "Mouth says no", Outsiders, Scott Lyon
- 2007, Commercial, Featured Rollerblader, Starburst Choozers, MJZ, Lenny Dorfman
- 2010, Opera, Capulet, Romeo and Juliet, Royal Opera House, Stephen Barlow
- 2007, Dance, El Burrito, The Cuban Brothers Uk Tour, Los Hermanos Cubanos, Yami Loefenberg
- 2013, Site Specific, Bandit, The Pearl of Yas Island, HQ Creative (Abu Dhabi), Steve Dingle